“The project was supported by the Výbor dobré vůle – Nadace Olgy Havlové under the Active Citizens Fund programme, which aims to support civil society and empower disadvantaged groups. The programme is funded by the EEA and Norway Grants.”


Identifying and Developing the Potential of Disadvantaged Primary School Pupils


The project deals with the target group of disadvantaged primary school pupils, mainly minority ethnic pupils defined by social and cultural exclusion.

The aim is to give primary school teachers a modern and suitable instrument as for identifying and improving the inherent potential of these pupils which will lead to succesful graduation as a result. It is assumed that everyone has its own natural abilities, talent and strengths and the teachers will be able to help pupils to identify and develop theirs. 

In the project we will cooperate with 4 primary schools of the South Bohemian region, that show a significant share of ethnic minority pupils. Within the project we will collect 3 selected educational methods addressing the needs of the target group, adjust them and help the teachers to put the new approach into their regular practice of primary school education. 

One of the project activity is also further education for 6 representatives of the „partner“ schools teachers, namely workshops and training courses in the 3 selected educational methods (VIA, MBTI, Kops Method). This will give them needed know-how both for participate in creating the new educational approach and using the methods in their own educational routine. This will also provide a first verification of adjusted methods in practice.

The key is to gain the pupils attention and involve them right into the project activities. We expect at least 70 pupils of the target group participating at the project activities together with their teachers, as well as about 30 parents.

Both the children and their parents will be given needed motivation and self-awareness of the importance of education that is often absent particularly in the stated target group (generally every tenth pupil does not finish primary school regularly at the present).

Contact info

Projekt Budoucnost z.s.
IČ: 08266972
Jirsíkova 348/17, 373 72 Lišov